
Almost Ready

I have this tradition.
Every year around my birthday I make a new journal for myself.
This one is slightly late in coming (a month!) but that is because I wasn't finished with my previous journal yet. And the idea for what this year's cover would be didn't arrive right away.
Now, nearly a month overdue it is finally ready to be bound. Here is the cover pieced, stitched and embroidered. I think it has come out to be very Northwest - treeline twilight silhouette with golden accent stitches on the maroon velvet spine with a faint stitched city outline on the front cover. I don't pursue needlework too often but when I do take the time for it I really enjoy it.
This weekend I'll finally bind the book and then let it cure for a few days. I'll post a pic of the completed project soon!
In the meantime, here is last year's book.

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